Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Removing Blue color shadow on Desktop Icons 

All users of computer who especially have a computer want to look fresh Desk top icons.
It has become a common problem that we often see a blue shadow around the icons we placed at the desktop. 
This blue effects shadow can be fixed easily but most of us didn't find the clue easily.

This annoying problem can be solved by

Two methods.

Solution 1:
1.Right click on the desktop and go to "Arrange icons By" then unchecked the option "Lock Web Items On Desktop"

Solution 2:
Go to control Panel >>System >>Advanced >>Performance area >> Settings button >>Visual Effects tab select "Use drop shadows for icon labels on the Desktop" option if unchecked then click apply and ok.

Hope this fixes your problem..
To remove shortcut arrows from the desktop shortcut icons, click here 


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