Tuesday, April 19, 2011

  • How would you protect your costly usb dives from unwanted use from friends and other people? 
  • If you already care about this, 
  • I appreciate you! Care for such things is very essential in these days because data is important to us as well as the usb drive.
  • Password protection for flash drives is not new as it has the same age as the pendrive born. 
  • Anyway USB Secure is such a software that can secure the pendrives and any kind of portable media like memory cards,  from unwanted writing and reading of files.
  • Protection is PC independent, doesn't require installation and doesn't require administrator rights. 
  • Lock usb drives using this software will be useful if you have many drives that contains critical data.

 Main characters of USB Secure
  • Portable - Take anywhere your thumb drive and plug it to any PC
  • Theft Proof - Password protection for your drive as well as data
  • Leak Proof - You will not lose your data
  • Loss Proof - Data cant be tampered
  • Plug & Play - Supports easy auto play feature
  • Fast - Fast and simple process for big security
Secure usb using usb secure.. Start from here


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